NAUI Dive Spotlight: Autumn Blum’s Journey to Ocean-Friendly Products

NAUI is deeply committed to preserving our oceans and promoting sustainable diving practices. By integrating environmental awareness into our training programs, NAUI ensures that divers not only explore the underwater world but also become stewards of marine ecosystems. NAUI divers are educated on the importance of eco-friendly diving, such as avoiding contact with coral reefs, reducing plastic usage, and supporting marine conservation efforts. As part of that initiative, the June NAUI Dive Spotlight is on Autumn Blum, Formulator & CEO of Stream2Sea!  



About Autumn and the Inspiration for Stream2Sea 

Autumn Blum’s journey to becoming a leading advocate for reef-safe products and ocean conservation is as inspiring as it is impactful. Her passion for the ocean began as early as she can remember. She grew up loving the ocean, spending as much time as possible in and around it. Her parents recall that she learned to swim before she could even walk, and she describes the day she learned to breathe underwater through SCUBA as the day she discovered her superpower. Becoming a NAUI diver at 14, Autumn dove as much as she could until college but a career as a cosmetic chemist and business owner temporarily paused her diving pursuits.  



In 2009, after selling her business, Autumn returned to diving and had an eye-opening experience in Palau. She observed an oil slick radiating from a group of snorkelers, realizing it was from their sunscreen. This moment led her to question the ingredients in personal care products and their impact on marine ecosystems. Determined to create safe and environmentally friendly products, she founded Stream2Sea to develop sunscreens and body care products that are safe for both humans and marine life.  



Environmental Safety of Stream2Sea Products  

Today, Stream2Sea stands out by offering the ONLY mineral sunscreen in the world that has been tested and proven safe for both fish and coral larvae. In 2020, their products received the prestigious Protect Land + Sea certification, ensuring they are free from 13 harmful chemicals commonly found in sunscreens. Their products also biodegrade in both salt and freshwater and have passed extensive aquatic toxicity tests. These measures help protect coral reefs from viruses and bleaching and shield fish from harmful toxins.  

Autumn emphasizes the importance of thorough testing and consumer education. She has personally trained thousands of divers to scrutinize product ingredients, reinforcing the idea that knowledge is power.  


Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing  

Stream2Sea takes pride in their stringent control over ingredient sourcing and manufacturing processes. They avoid harmful ingredients, ensuring no cross-contamination in their facility. Their commitment to sustainability is reflected in their choice of ingredients:  

  • Super Hydration Squalane is 100% sustainably sourced from plants, not shark livers. 
  • Lip balms contain certified organic, sustainably harvested beeswax and plant-based oils. 
  • Hair care products use keratin sustainably sourced from sheep’s wool. 
  • Mineral sunscreens use ethically mined mica from the United States, and only non-nano zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.


Public Education and Challenges  

One major challenge Stream2Sea faces is overcoming consumer skepticism about the impact of their purchases. Autumn believes in the power of consumer demand to drive corporate change. Divers, as passionate advocates for the ocean, play a crucial role in spreading awareness and demanding eco-friendly products. Stream2Sea provides resources like their Ingredients to Avoid Card to help consumers make informed choices, making her products a go-to for NAUI Divers as we strive to promote sustainable dive practices and stay at the forefront of ocean conservation for future generations. 


Partnerships and Collaborations  

Stream2Sea collaborates with several marine conservation organizations:  

  • Crazy for Coral: Partnering with Reef Renewal USA, they have planted 10,000 coral fragments in the Florida Keys. 
  • 4Ocean: In March 2024, they launched a sunscreen balm in partnership with 4Ocean, contributing to ocean plastic pollution clean-up efforts.
  • Palau Pledge Sunscreen: As Palau’s national sunscreen, proceeds from this product support eco-conscious tourism initiatives. 
  • Stream2Sea also contributes sunscreen to hundreds of clean-ups annually, protecting the skin of volunteers who help clean up marine environments. 


Advice for NAUI Divers and Professionals  

Autumn advises all divers to be vigilant about product ingredients, avoiding those known to harm marine life. She stresses the importance of reading labels beyond marketing claims due to most people simply not being aware of what to avoid. A great way to always be proactive as a NAUI Diver is to keep Stream2Sea’s “ingredients to avoid” card handy and educate others on how and why it is important to avoid certain ingredients to prevent unintentional damage to our oceans.  


Commitment to Ongoing Research  

Stream2Sea is actively involved in ongoing research and supports environmental stewardship through partnerships with organizations like ‘1% for the Planet.’ They collaborate with many ocean and coral conservation partners, furthering their commitment to protecting marine life.  


Memorable Diving Experiences  

As a member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame, Autumn has dived worldwide. But of course, her most impactful dive was that Palau, sparking her passion to learn more about the harmful effects of sunscreens on reefs, and finding a solution. Additionally, participating in coral planting and nursery cleaning in the Florida Keys has been incredibly rewarding for her, reinforcing her commitment to ocean conservation.  


Future Initiatives  

Stream2Sea continues to innovate, aiming to enhance product performance while minimizing environmental impact. They are updating their packaging to use Ocean Bound recycled plastics and have introduced Every Day Sunscreens with WetBoost Technology. This innovation makes their mineral sunscreens more effective when wet. Their Mask Defog remains a best-seller, and Autumn is eager to hear what new products customers would like to see next!  

For more information about Stream2Sea and their eco-friendly products, visit their website at!

You can stay up to date on all things Stream2Sea on Facebook and Instagram